MemphisProbation Violation Lawyer

Many people are offered probation in lieu of jail time, however, if you are accused of violating your probation, you need a Memphis probation violation lawyer on your side, as you risk a wide array of penalties that can affect you for the rest of your life. Contact Ballin, Ballin & Fishman, PC today to learn more about probation violations in Tennessee and how our firm can help you.

Memphis Probation Violation Lawyer | Here to Help You

Our firm is dedicated to helping all those who are being accused of violating the terms of their probation. If you’re in legal trouble, we are here to help. You can rely on a Memphis criminal defense lawyer here at our firm to fight for your rights, every step of the way.

Common Probationary Terms

There are various stipulations frequently ordered for those on probation here in Tennessee. Some of the most common probationary terms are as follows:

  • Paying court-ordered fines
  • Attending court-ordered substance abuse programs
  • Staying within the state
  • Meeting regularly with your probation officer
  • Taking and passing drug or alcohol tests
  • Not committing another crime

If you violate any of these terms, you risk going to jail and facing high fines, among a wide array of additional penalties, which is why you must proceed with a knowledgeable attorney on your side.

Your Probation Violation Hearing

If you are accused of violating your probationary terms, you will have to attend a hearing, wherein your probation officer will present evidence to the judge regarding exactly how you violated your probation. That said, you should understand that you have a right to legal counsel, and a Memphis probation violation lawyer here at our firm is ready to come to your defense. Just as the court will work to prove your guilt, our firm will work to prove your innocence and keep you out of jail.

You should understand, however, that courts do not hold the same standard when proving probation violations as they do with criminal cases. To be convicted of a crime, the court must have evidence to prove you are guilty of the crime “beyond a reasonable doubt.” However, when it comes to probation violations, there must only be a “preponderance of evidence.” This is a lower standard of proof. This is part of the reason why it is so important to have experienced legal counsel on your side.

Defenses Against a Probation Violation

Fortunately, with an experienced Memphis probation violation lawyer on your side, you will have access to a wide array of potential defenses against your charge. Depending on the circumstances of your alleged probation violation, our firm can argue the following to keep you out of jail:

  • You did not violate the terms of your probation, or there is no evidence to prove that you violated your probation
  • This is only your first probation offense, and should, therefore, by overlooked
  • You didn’t realize you were violating the terms of your probation
  • You did your best not to violate the terms of your probation

Contact Us Today!

If you are someone who is currently being accused of violating your probation, it is paramount that you retain competent legal assistance in fighting your violation. Our firm is on your side, and we are prepared to be through every step of the legal process ahead. Contact Ballin, Ballin & Fishman, PC today to schedule your initial consultation with our legal team.

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