MemphisDog Bite Lawyer

Most of us go our entire lives without ever meeting a vicious dog, though not everyone is so lucky. If you were recently attacked by a dog, you should contact a Memphis dog bite lawyer here at Ballin, Ballin & Fishman, PC today.

Memphis Dog Bite Lawyer | Fighting for Your Compensation

Are you a dog attack victim? If so, you need competent legal assistance on your side. Time is of the essence when it comes to dog bite claims in Tennessee, and the time to act is now. You can rely on a Memphis personal injury lawyer here at our firm to fight for you.

After a Dog Attack

Dog attacks are often extremely traumatic experiences, and in most cases, they result in very serious injuries. That said, if you can, you should take several steps to document the incident. You should first call law enforcement to the scene and get the dog owner’s information down. You should also take pictures of your injuries and ask anyone who witnessed the accident for their contact information. After receiving medical treatment, you should get a copy of the medical documentation pertaining to your injuries and retain a Memphis dog bite lawyer. Our firm can help you obtain additional types of evidence, including surveillance footage of your accident, the dog’s veterinary records, and more.

Tennessee’s Dog Bite Law

The state of Tennessee is a “strict liability” state, which essentially means that in most cases, a dog bite victim won’t have to prove that the dog had a vicious propensity, only that they were attacked by the dog while on public property or while lawfully on private property. In Tennessee, dog owners are required to keep their dogs under reasonable control and prevent them from running out of bounds of their property. If someone is attacked by a dog on public property because the dog owner failed to take these actions, the dog owner may be held civilly liable in a personal injury claim.

That being said, you should note that there are various exceptions to this rule. For example, if the dog owner can prove that you were trespassing, that you teased the dog, or that you otherwise provoked the dog to attack, you may not have a valid claim. Additionally, the “residential exception” within this law states that if you were attacked by a dog while you were on the dog owner’s property or while the dog had permission to be on the property, you can only hold the dog owner civilly liable for your injury if you can prove that the dog owner knew that the dog had a propensity for violence.

Contact a Memphis Dog Bite Lawyer

If you believe that you were wrongfully attacked by a dog and you sustained serious damages, you can depend on us to fight for your right to heal. We know how physically and emotionally traumatic a dog attack can be, which is why we are here to provide you with the compassionate and steady legal guidance you deserve. Contact Ballin, Ballin & Fishman, PC today.

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