Trucks are big and heavy, which means that they could be dangerous to everyone else sharing the road with them. Federal and state governments try to limit this danger by passing trucking regulations that hold these transportation companies and their employees to high standards. When these regulations are ignored, accidents can happen. If you were injured in a truck accident, you may have legal recourse. A Memphis auto accident lawyer from our firm can look at your case and tell you more about how trucking regulations could end up affecting how we proceed.
What Are Some Examples of Trucking Regulations?
There are many types of trucking regulations, but there are a few kinds that stand out when we are talking about accidents and personal injury suits. Some that might come up in your case include:
- Driver qualifications
- Hours of service limitations
- Alcohol and drug testing for drivers
- Truck and cargo weight and size restrictions
- Maintenance and inspection requirements
How Could These Trucking Regulations Affect My Case?
Any of the above regulations could play into your case because exactly what happened to cause the accident can determine who the liable parties are. In most accidents, the first instinct is to blame the driver of the truck. They could be to blame if they made a mistake or if they were driving under the influence, but they might not be the only party who caused your accident and your injuries.
Let’s say that this driver did make a mistake and that they hit your car. However, it turns out that this driver was not even properly trained because the company who hired him did not care enough about making sure that their drivers meet the highest standards for safety. Then the trucking company could be held accountable as well.
So the trucking regulations that were violated during your accident matter. They could make a difference in who you can pursue for compensation.
What Should My Compensation Cover?
When you do pursue compensation, you want to make sure that you are getting a fair and reasonable offer. Compensation should cover all of the costs arising from your truck accident. That includes:
Medical bills: Hospital stays, doctor visits, and treatments for injuries can cost a lot of money. Your compensation should cover your past costs as well as any future medical bills, if your injuries are going to continue to affect you.
Lost wages: If you have to miss work due to your injuries, your compensation should make up for those lost wages.
Pain and suffering: Any mental anguish or pain you suffered as a result of an accident should also be addressed when compensation is calculated.
Schedule a Consultation With a Personal Injury Lawyer
If you are ready to talk about your personal injury claim, contact Ballin, Ballin & Fishman, PC. We can schedule a consultation and tell you more about your legal options. Our attorneys are ready to help you fight for your compensation.